Friday, March 28, 2014

A Leader of Worship

I never planned on being a leader of worship. However, I have always loved worship and singing! Growing up, I loved singing in church, in the car, by myself, and wherever and whenever. It has always been one of my favorite ways to worship God, process things, and surrender things to God. However, I NEVER thought that I would be used to lead others in worship. My reasons were I don't know that much about music, I am not good at playing guitar, and my voice is not that great so no one would want me to lead worship.
It is CRAZY AMAZING how God takes our weaknesses, our insufficiencies and works because just in this last week I will help lead worship for four different groups. WOW! Haha! Even funnier thing is that for three of those I played guitar which I NEVER EVER planned on playing guitar outside of my house! If you told me five years ago that I would be leading worship, I probably would have laughed and told you that it wasn't going to happen. Well, God did not let me keep my guitar playing or singing in my bedroom as He has and continues to call me out to lead His people into His presence through worship. I am not saying that I know all about music now and am the best guitar player and vocalist. That would all be completely bogus! I still barely know anything about music and am still constantly learning and growing as a guitar player and vocalist, but God is calling me deeper and to greater lengths to call His people into His presence through music and it is simply amazing to be a part of it.

As I have been leading worship more and more these are some thoughts and conclusions that I have come to about it:

Leading worship is one of the most AWESOMEST things EVER! It is one of the most terrifying things! It is one of the most EXCITING things! It is a messy thing! It is an extremely never wracking thing! It is one of the most exhausting things! It takes A LOT of HARD WORK! It requires you to be vulnerable. It is one of the most BEAUTIFUL things!

Leading worship is one of the most AWESOMEST things EVER! Being in God's presence is amazing, but inviting and leading His people into His presence is the most AWESOMEST thing EVER! It is one of the most terrifying things! Let's be honest, very few people do not become nervous or anxious about being on stage in front of a bunch of people. Leading worship can be terrifying! It is one of the most EXCITING things! When you lead worship, you really have no idea what God is going to do in your heart and the heart of those that you are leading and that is EXCITING! It is a messy thing! Humans are involved and so when you lead worship it is never going to be perfect. It is our imperfect response to our perfect and majestic God which means that sometimes it's a little messy because we play or sing the wrong note, forget lyrics, or get off tempo. Yet, God loves our messy worship! It is an extremely never wracking thing! Just like leading worship is terrifying, it is also nerve wracking because you have to wait to see if anyone will even show up, and then you have to wait to see if they will even worship with you. It is just extremely nerve wracking! It is one of the most exhausting things! Pouring yourself out and encouraging others to join you in pouring themselves out before God's presence takes a lot of energy! I am always completely exhausted after leading worship. It takes A LOT of HARD WORK! This was something that I never though of before I started helping plan worship services. Leading worship does not seem that difficult until you have to look at all the things that are included in leading worship. Yes, you can worship God with just voices and no instruments or a few instruments, but it still takes time to plan out the songs, pick keys, pick Scriptures, and everything. Add in instruments and multiple vocalists and it double the time because you have to practice the songs, transitions, and everything else. Leading worship takes a LOT of HARD WORK! It requires you to be vulnerable. This is one of the most difficult things, because you just do not know how those you are leading are going to respond. They may love the songs you chose and be able to connect to the lyrics, but they might hate it and let you know that they hate it. I have found that this is why it is SO important to ask and seek God's will and direction from the beginning of your planning for your worship service, because He will be able to guide and direct you in a direction that will reach your congregation. You still will not always be able to connect with everyone in your congregation, but because you have sought His will and direction in the service you will be able to come before His presence with an offering of praise and your whole heart because this service was not for your own gain or glory, but His. This makes being vulnerable not only okay, but completely worth it!
All of these elements make leading worship one of the most BEAUTIFUL things, so I will continue to follow God's calling and direction as He continues to call me out to be a leader of worship.

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