Thursday, October 10, 2013

To: My AWESOME Supporters!!!

   Looking back on this summer I cannot but praise God! He was SO faithful and SO present in every single thing! We faced a lot of craziness from being without water for a few days, heat, transportation difficulties, sickness, the everyday struggles of life in Haiti, and more. In the midst of those trials and struggles it was at times difficult to see God at work, but we chose to trust Him and believed that He would give us the strength and courage to carry on. I learned SO many lessons throughout the entire summer. I was SO blessed, stretched, loved, challenged, and changed.
   Thank you. Thank you for being my prayer warriors who carried me through each and every day. Thank you for giving of your time, prayers, and money to make this summer possible. Thank you for supporting me through encouraging notes. Thank you for making it possible for me to spend two and a half months in a country to share Jesus' love. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pour into some of the most beautiful Haitian girls God's love. Thank you for letting me love on thirty-five of the most precious residents of Mole St. Nicholas, our kiddos who live in the orphanage. Thank you for the opportunity to meet and serve alongside some awesome staff and translators who challenged me in my faith. Thank you for allowing me to serve alongside some amazing fellow missionaries and interns. Thank you for allowing me to not only minister to the beautiful people of Haiti but to also lead American groups in serving the people of Haiti. Thank you for lifting me up in prayer when I would ask for prayers for strength and endurance. Thank you for joining me in this journey. Thank you!!!

This summer God truly blessed me through you!

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