Friday, February 6, 2015

Overwhelmed. Amazed. Humbled. Blessed.

For over a year, I have been praying and thinking about spending more time than a summer internship in Haiti. In the beginning, it seemed like a far-fetched and distant possibility, even a bit impossible. However, I continued to pray and had others faithfully praying for me and with me. When I left for Haiti this past summer, the plan was in motion for me to spend January 2015-July 2o15 in Haiti.
However, when I returned from the summer, I was so nervous and worried about raising support for seven months after just raising support for two and a half months. I was worried that the money would not come through and I would be stuck not knowing what to do.
Why did I doubt? God has been SO faithful in providing for this trip through you! He has surpassed my fundraising goal and provided me with funds that I will be able to utilize for ministry projects while I am in Haiti. My cup overflows with His faithfulness and goodness.

I write to you simply overwhelmed, amazed, humbled, and blessed. I have been overwhelmed by the abundance and richness of God’s blessings that He has poured out on me through you. With each new letter and donation that I received in the past few months, I have come to the Lord in amazement. Amazed that there are so many people who believe in His calling on my life and my ability to fulfill that calling. I have also been humbled by your support. I do not know why you chose to support me, but I am so humbled by your choice. I know that I am not the only one in need of funds and so I am so grateful and humbled that you supported me. I am blessed. I am blessed by all of the financial and prayer support that I have received for these seven months of ministry in Haiti. I have been so blessed by you and your support of me.


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