Monday, July 21, 2014

"The path I have called you to travel is exquisitely right for you."-Jesus Calling

"The path I have called you to travel is exquisitely right for you."-Jesus Calling

In October, it will be three years since God first set my eyes and heart on the Mole. My first answer to God's call to this path was, "Sure, why not?" You can read more about it here:

Three years ago, I had no idea that this simple answer would lead me back to Haiti for three summer internships with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission and now...a seven month internship! Yes, SEVEN months! Starting at the end of December, I will move to the Mole and will be serving with NWHCM until August. This is my next step in this path that God has called me to travel and I am SO excited and expectant of all the things that He will teach me in these seven months.

During these seven months, I will continue to work alongside the teams that come to serve in the Mole. In addition to this, I will be fulfilling my Direct Field Experience(DFE) requirements for school and will be doing an additional two three-hour credit DFE courses. I will be doing my DFE under my major's counseling emphasis. I am so amazed at how God is combining both my love and heart to help our kids in the Mole community who are being abused and sexual trafficked with finishing my degree. I will be working with the NWHCM staff in the Mole to develop a model of care and curriculum that we can use to assist and educate our community. I know that this will be a long process and that I will only be laying the ground work. However, I am excited and ready to begin fighting against these layers of darkness and abuse that have plagued this community for generations.

Please join me in praying for these seven months and the months of preparation leading up to my departure. There will be a lot to do to prepare for this trip while I am also completing an eighteen hour semester of college. Although it will be busy, I am so excited and ready to travel this path with God by my side!


1 comment:

  1. Morgan, God is taking you amazing places! We will be praying for you in this journey!
