Monday, July 15, 2013


After the Florida group left, we were without teams for two weeks and it was great because we were able to rest up from a busy schedule, spend more time at the orphanage, hang out with Miss Beth, go to the beach, but most importantly we were able to pour into our girls’ Bible studies more and also into the Castillo girls. It has been so awesome getting to know our Bible study girls by name and to hear them call out our names when we pass them in the streets. Sometimes they can drive us crazy when they just won’t pay attention but I praise God for each girl that He has placed in our Bible studies this summer. Tomorrow and Wednesday are the last days that we will meet with the girls and I am praying that they are not able to forget about the God that we shared with them.

It’s also been so fun getting to spend more time at the orphanage. Now that we are moved out at the property, every time the kids see us they start shouting our names. LOUDLY! Haha. It’s super cute, but I also feel badly for the mamas who have to calm them down when we pass by and can’t stop to play with the kids. I think I finally have all thirty-two kids’ names down. It has been so fun to not only learn their names this summer, but to really get to know their personalities as well. Some of them have some pretty hilarious personalities.

Another fun thing that we were able to do was to spend more time with the Castillo girls-we would have spent time with Gabe but he is always off doing guy stuff. J We had one Sunday that we were able to make necklaces with the girls and they loved it. We also made necklaces for our cooks and one of them is still ALWAYS wearing hers. It is adorable. We also were able to take the girls to the beach one day. It was a lot of fun building sand castles with them and I even gave some swimming lessons. J

Probably the best part of our break was being able to spend time with Emily, Haylee, and Miss Beth. Whether we were meeting for Discerning the Voice of God (an awesome six weeks study that we did in six days) or just to talk, it was so fun and there were both tears and laughter-sometimes tears because we were laughing so hard. Haha. Seriously, I have been so blessed by those three ladies this summer as we have faced many challenges together. God has been faithful in bringing us together and giving us the greatly needed strength and energy to continue on.

So the other thing that was suppose to happen during our break, but didn’t was a hurricane. I was only slightly bummed because I just wanted to experience a little hurricane to say that I had, since living in the middle of the United States hurricanes don’t really come that far inland. Even though it barely even stormed, there was enough wind to knock down a coconut tree that broke part of a bridge. It was only the railing and it has already been fixed.

Please continue to pray for me and the staff here as we finish out our time here in the Mole.
Bondye beni ou!

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